If you are looking to get rent the ice for your work events, practice time, or just want to get some time with friends and curl. We would be happy to give you that opportunity. Please contact: icerental@weststpaulcurlingclub.com for availability and to book.
Provided below is a list of our rates:
Rental Costs
1 Hour Rental – $50.00
2 Hour Rental – $80.00
3 Hour Rental – $100.00
4 Hour Rental – $120.00
Broom Rental – $5.00
Slider Rental – $5.00
All prices are +GST
- All players must be wearing clean rubber sole shoes to preserve the integrity of the ice.
- No Food/Drink is permitted on the ice with the exception of water bottles or small cups of water directly in front of the glass.
- Respect the Ice/Equipment: Do not drop rocks, throw rocks excessively hard, throw brooms or any else that would be deemed disrespectful.
- All fees must be paid prior to stepping out on the ice.
We recommend wearing fitting warm clothing to ensure that you have the best experience.